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Pro Sound & Lighting

3511 SE Belmont St.
Portland, OR United States of America 97214

Pro Sound & Lighting Serving the Portland area for more than 20 years, Pro Sound & Lighting has gained a reputation for honest and knowledgeable staff. Specializing in the Sales and Rental of PA and lighting equipment.
In the beginning, Pro Sound & Lighting was all of 500 square feet of retail space. Sharing a space with an established sound company. That sound company, Spectrum Acoustics, helped PS&L to get a foot in the door with the rental business.

Fast forward twenty years and Pro Sound & Lighting has grown into a very competent supplier of cutting edge technology of professional grade sound and lighting equipment. Without forgetting where it all started PS&L has many facets of customers, with the house of worship market as one of the main stays.  Just as the retail business has changed and morphed over the years, the rental business has changed too.  The equipment available in the rental department has been steadily growing during all these years to a point that PS&L has the largest will call rental inventory in the area.

20 years of success in a tough market shows that Pro Sound & Lighting is dedicated to its customers, and providing top quality service to go with the top quality equipment.

Come see where the pro’s shop!

Business Hours
Monday-Friday: 10 am – 6 pm
Saturday: temporarily closed
Sunday: CLOSED


We Carry

ProX Cases
ProX Bags
ProX Cables
ProX Truss
ProX Stages
ProX Stands
ProX Lighting